It gets very frustrating watching the shenanigans that go on in Washington DC these days. It seems our representatives are not representing us but positioning themselves for re-election campaigns with a refusal to compromise. It's enough to make you sick. So turn it off.
Your becoming sick through stress due to your inability to do anything about lousy leadership will actually exacerbate the fiscal woes of the United States. And that's just step one of what you, as a solitary person, can do to help with the financial problems in America.
Today's health care system is one of the biggest factors in the mounting deficit. What can you do? Stay healthy and be proactive by practicing preventive medicine.
First, see your doctor. Especially if you've hit the age of 40. You should be seeing your primary care physician for an annual check up. I'm shocked by how many people I know tell me that they never go to the doctor unless there's a problem. Prevention and early diagnosis can be a cost savings in the long run let alone save your life.
Tell your doctor you want to start a fitness routine. Get his ok and follow any guidelines he sets for you. Then do it.
You should spend 45 minutes to an hour five to six days a week on your exercise program. Depending on your present fitness level you may have to start out at ten minutes a day and gradually increase the duration. Make it a mix of cardio and weight or resistance training.
You can go to a gym or set up your own home program, which I do. There's plenty of information online to figure out the right path. Or ask friends who are already on the right track. Yes, if you are not working out regularly you're on the wrong track.
Finally, change your diet. You've heard it over and over again. Eat more vegetables and fruit. Cut back on red meats. Stay away from sugar and processed foods. And to lose weight cut down on carbs. Again, you can find good nutritional information online.
Oh, and for God's sake stop smoking cigarettes.
All of these things will make you healthier. You'll look better and feel better. You should also live longer, enjoying your children, family and friends.
And all of this good health means fewer medical concerns, generally speaking. If every one of us, as individuals, would start a healthy life style it would make quite a dent on health care costs. So be a patriot, do your part and get fit.
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