A week or so ago I wrote about the death of rock music or more precisely that no genre really dies but may fall out of favor. Well last week The Guardian published a story about the fall of alt or indie rock, Indie rock's slow and painful death.
They use sales figures to demonstrate and present an interesting argument. The question they pose though is, should we care. I don't think so. At least I don't. I'm finding much pleasure in all the different forms of popular music that are pushing it out of the way. There's great satisfaction in much of the electronic music being created today. And I just listened to NPR's All Songs Considered show on the annual world music event in New York City, globalFEST 2012: A World Of Amazing Discoveries. That'll keep me busy discovering new music for awhile.
If you're lamenting rock's current lag then I suggest you broaden your horizons and open your mind. Or you can become one of those curmudgeon types who say there's no good music being made anymore.
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